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First Lady calls for end to gender based violence


The First Lady Mama Rachel Ruto has called for a heightened campaign to increase awareness on the negative impact of the triple threat teenage pregnancies, gender-based violence, and HIV/AIDS on young people.

She urged stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies, judiciary, leaders and communities to vigorously work at eradicating the resurgence of these vices that persists in our society despite their criminalization.

The First Lady was speaking in Kericho, where she joined 14 county-members of the Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) during the 2023 International Girl Child Day Celebrations.

The day is set aside by the United Nations to serve as a global reminder of the rights of girls and the unique challenges they face around the world.

The 14 county assemblies represented in the celebrations were asked to consider legislative interventions that allocate resources to combat the triple threat, thus supplementing the efforts of the national government.

With the prevalence of female genital mutilation (FGM) being estimated to be 15pc in our country and child marriages being 23pc, immediate action is required by all state and non-state actors.

The First Lady further applauded the First Spouses Association of the LREB Member Counties and their initiative to advocate for the rights of the girl child by running menstrual hygiene programs in schools, fighting the stigma of menstruation, and promoting policy sensitization.

Other leaders present in the celebrations included Dr. Eric Mutai, Governor of Kericho County; Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, Chair, Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB); and Governor Kisumu County; Dr. Paul Otuoma, Governor of Busia County; and Emily Nyaribo, Chair of the Lake Region First Spouses Association.
