Home NEWS County News Garissa leaders welcome removal of subject cluster rule

Garissa leaders welcome removal of subject cluster rule


A section of leaders and education stakeholders from Garissa have thanked President William Ruto for acting on the recommendations of the presidential working party which recommended the removal of the subject cluster combination.

The leaders said the policy was the biggest hindrance of students wishing to join the teaching fraternity.

During their tour in counties of Mandera, Wajir and Garissa, the issue of doing away the policy and lowering of the grade entry grade futured prominently in the meeting with leaders and various education stakeholders calling for a review of the policy.

The policy they further said directly affected the education sector which has subsequently led to poor performance.

The leaders led by Garissa Governor Nathif Jama,Garissa KNUT executive Abdirizack Hussein said that the new rule which only requires one to have a C plain will see many of the local students join teaching colleges.

Jama was speaking at the Garissa Teachers Training college where he met with the college’s board of management in a bid to see for himself where his administration can chip in terms of assistance.

The college has been facing a myriad of challenges among them lack of enough students; this almost led to the college being closed with the numbers shrinking to as little as 40.

Jama said that contrary to the ealier thoughts that the mean grade was what was locking many potential students wishing to join the college, The issue of subject clasture was the main problem.

“This is an extremely a happy season for us here at the college because after a long wait of many, many years today we are able to celebrate many of our boys and girls have now applied to be trained as teachers,”.

Jama said that he was impressed by the numbers who have applied to join the college, disclosing that a total of 700 students had applied from a megre of 100 who had applied in the previous year.

“I want to sincerely thank His Excellency the President for appointing the task force and subsequently moving with speed to approve the recommendations accordingly,” he said.

He thanked the board of the college for their working round the clock to enroll as many students as possible saying that the real works now begins promising to help the college in terms of infrastructure, bursaries and scholarships to students.

Jama challenged his fellow leaders and other development partners to also chip and get the college back on track saying that there was still a lot that needs to be done.

He disclosed that his administration has undertaken to construct a new dormitory of 125 bed capacity saying that the exercise will start as soon as the procurement requirements are complete.

On his part the Garissa Teachers college Board of Management Abdi Billow while describing the development as a new beginning for the college said that they work closely with all leaders and other stakeholders to get the college back on track saying that having more local students join the institution will go a long way in having a home grown solution to the teacher crisis.

‘I want to thank the experts who actually come up with modalities of trying to give us hope. Most important I want to thank the governor for the leadership he has shown and the commitment he has given to us. We want to see more leaders support this very important sector,” he said.

On his part KNUT Secretary Abdirzach Hussein remained optimistic the issue of teacher shortage will be a thing of the past in three years to come.

He said that majority f schools especially in the far flang areas were being run by one teacher something that he said continues to compromise the education standards.

Abdirhamn Abdullahi, a third year student urged more local students to enroll for the course saying that the new developments have given the region to correct things in the education sector.

“This is a very good opportunity to students especially those from this region. Now one can enroll for this noble course regardless of the cluster subjects that brought headache to many students. Let us be part of the solution,” he said.
