Home NEWS Local News Government bans artisanal mining activities, unlicensed commercial mining

Government bans artisanal mining activities, unlicensed commercial mining

Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithure Kindiki

The Government has banned all artisanal mining activities as well as unlicensed commercial mining.

Speaking Monday morning after holding a security review meeting in Migori town, Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithure Kindiki directed the Migori County Security and Intelligence Committee (CSIC) to enforce the directive immediately noting that the directive will ensure regularised artisanal mining that meets public safety and environmental standards.

“To ensure regularised artisanal mining that meets public safety and environmental standards, the Government has banned all artisanal mining activities as well as unlicensed commercial mining.” Said Prof. Kindiki.

According to the small illegal artisanal mining sites in Migori County pose grave public safety risks resulting in deaths when mine shafts cave in adding that, last week, two Kenyans died in one of such sites in Nyatike, while four others died two months ago at Sango.

Consequently, he commended the CSIC for good progress on the ongoing Nationwide enforcement program against illicit alcohol, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

The CS noted that as at present, 3000 rolls of bhang have been seized, 106 suspects arrested and arraigned in court, adding that there were 378 raids on illicit alcohol conducted so far. Seven chemists and five agrovets have also been closed.


