Home NEWS County News Government to enhance services at the Huduma Center in Kisii

Government to enhance services at the Huduma Center in Kisii


The Huduma Center in Kisii town is set for expansion to cater for the growing demand in the region.

Kisii County Commissioner Tom Anjere says land meant for the expansion has already been allocated.

“Due to the recent digitization of 5,000 government services, it is expected that the number of customers is likely to increase at this centre hence the need for a bigger space,” he said.

Meeting with a number of workers and stakeholders during the launch of Customer Service Week, the county commissioner   aid all national government administration officers in the region  will work together to ensure residents receive quality services.

“This move will enable citizens know exactly what they are paying for and also have a clear understanding on the time they have to wait to get the necessary documents ,”said Anjere.

He further proposed a dedicated teller who will assist the elderly, disabled persons and lactating mothers to access government services with ease.
