Home NEWS Local News Grand gala held to mark 60th anniversary of China-Kenya ties

Grand gala held to mark 60th anniversary of China-Kenya ties


Thursday, December 14, 2023, the Chinese Embassy in Kenya organized a high-profile reception in one of Nairobi’s tallest buildings, the Global Trade Center, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Kenya and China.

In attendance were senior government officials including Cabinet Secretaries led by Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, Members of Parliament and the Judiciary, Ambassadors, High Commissioners as well as other members of the diplomatic corps, among others.

Mudavadi described the celebrations as a culmination of many years of consistent, trusting, collaborative, and mutually beneficial partnership between Nairobi and Beijing. He said the ties between the two countries have grown by leaps and bounds, even as he expressed confidence that the relations will continue to advance through shared prosperity and mutual understanding.

“Kenya applauds China for its transformative initiatives in Kenya and Africa whose socio-economic impacts have been far-reaching. As one of the few countries with a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with China, the highest form of Bilateral Relations, Kenya’s developmental landscape has benefited the most from China’s investment,” he said

While underscoring the centrality of Sino-Kenya bilateral and people-to-people relations, he said China is now Kenya’s largest trading partner, largest source country of contracted companies, and one of the most important sources of employment for Kenyans accounting for up to 50,000 locals, hired by the 400 Chinese firms operating in the country across various sectors.

In his message, the Chinese Ambassador to Kenya Dr. Zhou Pingjian highlighted developments resulting from the long-standing diplomatic relationship which he noted has grown from strength to strength for the last six decades.

“Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, our two peoples have forged fraternity, our bilateral relations have yielded fruits, and our two countries have become good friends and good partners that trust each other, setting an example for China-Africa relations and South-South cooperation,”

Over the past sixty years, Ambassador Zhou observed that China and Kenya have pursued sincere friendship and equality. He said both sides respect each other, see each other as equals, and get along well. As such, he said China’s commitment to aiding Kenya’s development aspirations will never waver.

“When it comes to issues involving the other side’s core interests and major concerns, we understand and support each other. China may do what it can to help Kenya’s development, but China is truly grateful to the government and people of Kenya for the great support and selfless help you have given China over the years,” he said

On the economic front, the envoy drew attention to the fact that relations had progressed to encouraging levels and people were now enjoying the outcome of the productive engagements.

“China and Kenya have pursued win-win for mutual benefit and common development. Major cooperation projects such as the Moi International Sports Center (MISC) Kasarani, the SGR, the Expressway, and the GTC in Nairobi, have benefited our two peoples. Our fruitful Belt and Road cooperation has opened a new era,” said Ambassador Zhou

“China will never forget Kenya’s invaluable support in the restoration of the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations back in 1971 and highly appreciates Kenya’s firm commitment to the one-China principle,” the Ambassador remarked while emphasizing the significance Beijing attaches to ties with Nairobi.

The celebrations ended with a commitment from both sides to continue forging win-win cooperation that will unlock shared prosperity.
