Home NEWS County News I will not be cowed to change my stand on LGBTQ-Dorcas Rigathi

I will not be cowed to change my stand on LGBTQ-Dorcas Rigathi

Mrs Rigathi in Kwale

The Spouse of the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi maintains she will not be cowed in her stand against LGBTQ.

Speaking in Kwale County during the placement of 348 Youth from Mombasa County in three rehabilitation Centres in Mombasa and Kwale Counties Pastor Dorcas said her stand is very clear and nobody will intimidate her to relent in the fight against the vice.

“I stand for what God wants us to do. Constitutionally it is a marriage between a man and a woman, not a man and a man, or woman and woman. Our culture also says no to LGBTQ. And that is my conviction and that is what my God has said. “She said.

“What God says is what I will do, if others want to do in their countries and if that is what their god says let them do, we respect them. “She said.

On Tuesday this week, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi insisted that Africa as a continent is not ready to legalise LGBTQ. Speaking during the launch of Jesus’ Africa Book by Pastor Patience Museveni, the daughter of President Yoweri Museveni Pastor Dorcas said Africa would rather miss trade with the nations advocating for LGBTQ than legalizing the vice.

“We must stand for what is true and what is right. My daughter (Patience Museveni) continues with what you are doing, don’t stop, and don’t be intimidated. We will stand with you. “She said.

“LGBTQ does not have a place in Africa, It is better to miss on trade but have our integrity intact. “She added.

She spoke after Odrek Rwabwogo the husband to Pastor Patience revealed that he was flying from Nairobi to the US to defend the stand by the Ugandan government on LGBTQ.

Odrek said the US had threatened to remove Uganda from Africa Growth Opportunity Act (Agoa) trade deal after the East African nation passed a law criminalizing LGBTQ. The Bill was signed by President Museveni early this year.

She was speaking when she presided over the placement of the youth who have voluntarily registered for rehabilitation.

The youth were identified and screened from drug dens in the county of Mombasa for the last three days by the office of the Spouse of the Deputy President. The youth who have been addicted to various drugs and substance abuse will undergo rehabilitation for three months.

Pastor Dorcas called for combined efforts in the fights against drugs and substance abuse across the country.

The identification exercise was done through the help of various groups among them religious leaders from Muslim and Christians in the county and the County Government of Mombasa.

“The coastal region alone, people aged between 15-65 Years constitute 23.9% of people abusing at least one type of drug. “She noted.

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani promised to support the program in her county, lamenting that many of the productive youth have been unable to work.
