Home NEWS KEMSA revokes list of prequalified suppliers, to review ongoing contracts

KEMSA revokes list of prequalified suppliers, to review ongoing contracts


The Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) has revoked the current list of pre-qualified suppliers in an effort to eradicate corruption at the institution.

In new changes announced on Monday, KEMSA board Chair Irungu Nyakera said the process will start afresh to ensure that only companies that provide value for money are prequalified.

“To strengthen our procurement processes and supply chain management to ensure efficiency, fairness, transparency and integrity we have immediately revoke the current list of pre-qualified suppliers and restart an objective process afresh to ensure,” said Nyakera

The medical institution will also review all ongoing contracts that have been procured through single sourcing, monopoly action to tame cartelisation and ensure transparency in procurement process.

“We are introducing the lotting system in procurement that will set an upper financial limit beyond which no single bidder will win contracts. This will promote healthy competition by diffusing vested interest and racketeering and thereby ensure value for money for Mwananchi from our procurement processes,” said Nyakera

“Any contract that is found to not be providing value for money will be forwarded to the PPRA and the EACC for investigation,” he added

In addition, the board has also directed management to freeze staff recruitment and scale down staff travel with a view to re-orienting the budget to prioritise KEMSA’s role in Universal Healthcare.

The board has called on the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) to do an audit of KEMSA’s procurement processes and give proposals to improve efficiency in the institution.
