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Media urged to create content that aligns to needs of youth


Legacy Media owners, editors and content generators have been challenged to learn the consumption habits of the Millenials aged between 25-35 and Generation Z (Gen Zs) aged between 18-24 in order to capitalize on viewership and readership of this demographic that constitutes a large of the country`s population.

ICT and Digital economy Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo who presided over the launch of a report dubbed the launch of millennials and digital natives says the millenials provide challenges as well as opportunities that the media can benefit .

He has further called on Media houses to plan their products and tap on their spending with competitive bouquets of content offerings that they can afford.

“The CS noted that there is need for further interrogation on how legacy media can position themselves with this generation adding that it still remains the most respected  and trusted source of news.” CS Owalo noted.

According to the report, over 50pc of the young consumers are interested in news that is timely, trending and not time consuming hence the need to shift ideas on how legacy media disseminates information.

Being exposed to digital date also poses a risk of exposure to fake news, hate mongering and age inappropriate content which has raised the need for correct checks and balances to ensure content regulation.
