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Let us rise beyond petty politics, Mudavadi tells leaders


Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has cautioned leaders against taking the country back to dark days when politics of ethnicity were commonplace.

Mudavadi regretted that politics were previously determined by ethnic configurations and engagements and called for the need to rise above petty regional, tribal and ethnic formations and build a united country.

He affirmed that the 2022 General Election paved the way for a new dawn in the country’s politics and should remain focused on prosperity.

“If there is an election that went beyond ethnic and tribalism barriers where we saw configurations that had never been seen before and never been imagined was the election of 2022,” said Mudavadi.

“Many people didn’t imagine that President Uhuru Kenyatta could support Raila Odinga in Azimio, and others didn’t figure out that the people of Mt Kenya region could vote for William Ruto. These are the dynamics that brought a new dawn in Kenya’s political scene. ” added Mudavadi.

Mudavadi was speaking Saturday in Shiveye, Ikolomani Constituency, Kakamega County and appealed to the political class and the nation to focus on transforming Kenya’s economic fortunes.

He urged Kenyans to engage in purposeful conversations that will shape the destiny of the country.

“Elections are still far away in 2027, but even as some leaders engage in political utterances, they should keep in mind that Kenyans have the right and freedom to vote for leaders of their choice irrespective of tribe, religion, political persuasions and coercion.” said Mudavadi.

He was speaking at the funeral service of the Late Mama Rose Nabalayo Mudavadi, the wife to retired Ambassador Justus Amega Mudavadi who is the brother to the late former Cabinet Minister Moses Budamba Mudavadi.

The Prime CS emphasised the need for Kenyans to maintain peace saying it binds a country together and opens gates of economic prosperity.

“It is important that we support peace as a nation. We need to be deliberate and consistent in ensuring that we remain united,” said Mudavadi.

“Leaders should work for the people to improve the lives of Kenyans and together we work on finding solutions for the challenges facing our country in various sectors,” he added.

Mudavadi also the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs said President Ruto has shown the country high levels of patriotism and nationhood, traits that he has urged political leaders and Kenyans to emulate and embrace.

“We have seen the President support the bid of his competitor for the African Union Chairmanship position. This is a sign that the President values the virtue of working together as leaders and rising above political differences past election cycles.” remarked Mudavadi.

“We need to give President Ruto the support he needs to drive the country forward. When we brought the Kenya Kwanza Manifesto on the table our aim was to transform the economy of this nation. I said it will not be easy, it will take at least 2-3 years for it to stabilise, since turning the economy around is not like instant coffee. Slowly we are seeing the promises bearing fruits.” he remarked.

Western Kenya leaders present at the funeral, COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli, Former Attorney General Amos Wako, Busia Governor Paul Otuoma, Vihiga County Deputy Governor Wilberforce Kitiezo, Vihiga Women Representative Beatrice Adagala, MPs Omboko Milemba and Fred Ikana and former MP Alfred Agoi, rallied the people of Western Kenya to support Musalia Mudavadi’s leadership as the Western Kenya kingpin saying he means well for the Mulembe people and Kenya at large.

“Luhyas are not divided and have never been divided. The narrative about Luhya unity is far-fetched since what we witness is only a few dissenting voices which is normal in a community of over 10 million people, but the truth of the matter is that we are more united and together than ever,” said Atwoli.

“I always tell my people that I will one day witness the crowning of a Luhya President and that is why when we will have the Bukhungu 3 we will shake the politics of Kenya and that is the reason why as leaders we are working on more unity and cohesiveness with the Mulembe people. ” added Atwoli.

“What we witnessed during the Earthquake at Bomas will go a notch higher when we decide on our next course of action as a people. For now we are fully behind President Ruto until his 10 years term comes to an end.” said Adagala.

” Currently I am in ODM, but I fully support Musalia Mudavadi who is our leader in government. I am also working with the national government for the benefit of the people of Busia. Politics is not enemity but our interests in politics should help shape the destiny and fortunes of our people,” said Otuoma.

Also present were Principal Secretary Aurelia Rono and the President’s advisor on Women issues Harriette Chiggai.

Mama Rose died aged 86 and she is survived by 4 children.
