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MCK pushes for national values in media


Journalists have been encouraged to uphold journalistic integrity and conduct fact-checking, while also showing deference to national values in their reporting.

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) Nakuru Regional Coordinator Joseph Mecha says journalists should prioritize fact-checking in their reporting to bolster professionalism.

Mr Mecha told journalists in Bomet that fact-checking will not only maintain the credibility of journalism but also safeguard against the spread of misinformation.

“One of the challenges in today’s media landscape is the rapid spread of misinformation and fake news. Social media’s ease has enabled false narratives to rapidly gain traction and deceive the public. Journalists are responsible for combatting this by diligently fact-checking sources and debunking false information,’’ said Mr Mecha.

He further stated that the role of the media goes beyond entertainment, adding that journalists are watchdogs of society and as such should remain steadfast on this.

Mecha stated the importance of responsible journalism during times of conflict and urged journalists to exercise caution and avoid propagating hate speech through their reporting.

“By refraining from sensationalizing conflicts, journalists can contribute to a more informed and balanced public discourse that ultimately helps mitigate tension and promote understanding among different groups,’’ he said.

MCK Kisumu Regional Coordinator Mr Evans Teddy underpinned the need for journalists to reflect on the national values by holding those in power accountable through their reports.

“Your investigations and reporting can shine a light on issues that demand attention by ensuring that those entrusted with power remain connected to the interest of the people they serve,” remarked Mr Teddy.

He called on the journalists to be inclusive in their reporting by amplifying the voices of the marginalised.

‘’Remember that the impact of your work as a journalist extends beyond headlines and news cycles. The stories you tell, the issues you highlight and the values you uphold contribute to a more informed society”, he said.

He urged journalists to adopt effective saving practices, noting that the nature of journalism can be unpredictable, with irregular income streams and job insecurity.

