Home NEWS County News Mombasa residents push for swift relocation of waste collection point

Mombasa residents push for swift relocation of waste collection point


A school and a church in Tudor Ward have appealed to the County Government of Mombasa to relocate a garbage collection point that they say is negatively affecting learning and worship.

Busy Bee School Principal Dorothy Kaimuri expressed concerns that the garbage collection point, behind the school, has turned into a dumpsite, creating a health hazard for students and staff.

Efforts to reach the Department of Environment have been futile, as promises to relocate the dumpsite have not been fulfilled.

“We feel it will affect the children and staff because it is a health hazard. The school has been here for over 30 years, and they brought the dumpsite recently,” Kaimuri lamented.

She urged Governor Abdulswamad Nassir’s administration to swiftly relocate the dumpsite to prevent further disruptions caused by the foul smell.

Kaimuri explained that the stench is so unbearable at times that some children vomit, and complain of stomach problems, and absenteeism rates have increased.

“Some students have been taken to the hospital because they started having stomach issues. This is affecting the children,” she added.

Deputy Principal Kenneth Omolo shared that the noise from the trucks loading garbage disrupts lessons, and teachers have abandoned the staffroom located near the dump site.

“Learners know where to find teachers in the staffroom. Now they have to walk around the school compound to find where teachers are, causing time wastage,” Omolo noted, urging the County Government to relocate the dumpsite urgently.

Reverend Tim Thairu, Lead Pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church, recalled having to give a disclaimer during a Sunday sermon because of the smell.

“The smell is so sharp, it feels like a burning sensation on your nostrils. We had to tell our congregation that it was from a garbage collection behind the church,” Thairu said, requesting the County Government to find a different location for garbage collection in Tudor Ward.

Anthony Mwakio, the school Deputy President and a grade eight student shared that the smell disrupts learning.

“Some learners feel like puking and must seek permission to go to the toilet. They cannot concentrate in class because of the smell,” Mwakio lamented.

Lilah Muhammed, President of Busy Bee School, revealed that she was diagnosed with food poisoning due to the dumpsite and had to miss examinations and classes.

Area Member of County Assembly Samir Baloo stated that the Deputy Governor, who also serves as the County Executive Committee Member for Environment, assured him that the dumpsite would be relocated before learners resumed classes after the half-term break.
