Home NEWS County News More scholarships and ward bursaries set for disbursement in Nairobi

More scholarships and ward bursaries set for disbursement in Nairobi


Nairobi County Talent Skills Development and Care Sector has disclosed that it is currently processing the Second batch of executive scholarships and ward bursaries for disbursement.

Mr. Peter Miano Deputy Director of Education and Special Programmes, coordinating the team indicated that the county has received 45900 bursary documents from the 85 wards across the City and 5600 Executive Scholarship documents.

“A team comprising of Education officers and Finance officers are currently working on processing the bursaries which we expect to issue to the beneficiaries later this month.” Said Miano

He said the bursary documents received from the 85 wards across the city will undergo, verification of the documents submitted, examination by the finance team, development of the final list per ward, writing and signing of Cheques, and finally packaging of the Cheques per ward.

The bursaries will be the last batch for the 2022/23 financial year.
