Home International News Africa Morocco selected to Host 93rd Interpol General Assembly

Morocco selected to Host 93rd Interpol General Assembly

Morocco was selected to host this important event because of its reputation for credibility and great trustworthiness in Moroccan security institutions, which are well-known for having amassed a great deal of experience and expertise in the fight against organised crime and terrorism.


Morocco was on Friday elected to host the 93rd session of the General Assembly of the International Criminal Police Organization Interpol, to be held in Marrakech in 2025.

Reaffirming their faith in the Kingdom and its security institutions, the 196 member countries attending the 91st session of the Organization’s General Assembly in the Austrian capital agreed to grant the 93rd session of the Interpol General Assembly to the Kingdom.

The heads of law enforcement agencies and organisations from member nations frequently convene with the General Assembly, Interpol’s highest decision-making body, to evaluate emerging trends in crime and global security threats and to discuss potential solutions.

Director General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance Abdellatif Hammouchi thanked everyone who voted to support Marrakech’s hosting of this international event following the voting in support of Morocco’s proposal.

Additionally, he stressed Morocco’s dedication to uniting global efforts in the fight against terrorism and other types of transnational crime.

In addition, Hammouchi emphasised that Morocco consistently supports Interpol and its member nations in their efforts to advance international security and stability, and that the Kingdom of Morocco and its national security services are fully prepared to host this prestigious security forum under ideal circumstances.

A movie detailing the advancements accomplished in the Kingdom under the  leadership of King Mohammed VI, was shown during the Moroccan bid presentation.

The film demonstrates the many stages of modernization and growth that the Moroccan security services have undergone, which have allowed them to take the lead in the area of international security cooperation.

Morocco was selected to host this important event because of its reputation for credibility and great trustworthiness in Moroccan security institutions, which are well-known for having amassed a great deal of experience and expertise in the fight against organised crime and terrorism.

It also reflects the aura and image enjoyed by the Kingdom in its regional and international environment, thanks to the leadership  King Mohammed VI.
