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MP calls for intensive public participation on refugees integration policy

Kenya currently hosts close to 800,000 refugees and asylum seekers.


Fafi Member of Parliament Salah Yakub has called for an inclusive public participation process on the refugees integration policy which will seek to absorb some of the refugees, while allowing safe returns to their countries of origin.

Earlier this month, the government formed an intergovernmental steering committee to develop the country’s Marshall plan to empower refugees so as to reduce their dependence on aids by harnessing their inherent social-economic potential to empower them and promote their self-reliance.

The plan will also guide the process of transitioning of refugees camps into integrated settlements which will benefit both the refugees and the host communities.

However, MP Yakub says that the host communities must know how far will the integration of refugees go and the implication of such actions on their political, social and economic well being.

Speaking during a public function in Bura East, Yakub said that the host communities must have something to benefit from, for the challenges they faced for hosting refugees.

“We are asking the technical committee to come here in our villages and listen to what we have to say on the policy,” Yakub said.

“We want to know how far are they going to be integrated. Is it political intergration?, or social or economic and how are we going to benefit for the challenges such as insecurity as a result of hosting refugees?” He posed.

He cautioned the committee against allowing members of the political class to ‘hijack’ the process for their own self interests rather than that of the people.

Kenya currently hosts close to 800,000 refugees and asylum seekers, with more than 577,000 registered and more than 300,000 profiled in Dadaab and Kakuma camps.