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Nakhumicha visits Lugulu Mission Hospital, pays part of NHIF arrears owed to facility


In her pursuit of advocating the implementation of Universal Health Coverage in the country, Health Cabinet Secretary Nakhumicha S. Wafula kicked off her new year health reformation agenda by paying a visit to faith-based Friends Lugulu Mission Hospital; the oldest medical facility spanning over 100 years.

Nakhumicha while commenting on the significance of the Social Health Insurance Act of 2023 noted the SHIF Act paves the way for planned reform in health financing which will benefit low-class target patients of the hospital which is a non-profit making organization established to provide affordable and sustainable, holistic quality health care services with Christian love.

Courtesy of her intervention, the facility which was owed Kshs 10 million by the defunct National Health Insurance Fund [NHIF] got paid Kshs 3.4 million today with the remaining balance of Kshs 6.6 million to be fully sorted before the close of business this week.

“This small breakthrough will help in remuneration of unpaid salaries for staff and this goes a long way in motivating personnel as they provide services to Kenyans. For those who did not enjoy their Christmas well, this move will come in handy for their delayed festive season celebrations” she said

She used the opportunity at the event to laud efforts by the Community Health Promoters [CHPs] countrywide in addressing a multitude of challenges within the community health system

“I have spoken to my PS and he has assured me that Kshs 1 billion has already been disbursed towards the remuneration of CHPs who are doing critical work of advancing UHC. In not too long from today, you guys will start receiving your dues” she said amid applause from the CHPs present

The Health CS also explained that primary care networks (PCNs) are more than just physical structures; they symbolize a commitment to holistic healthcare further noting that PCNs form a dynamic network connecting community dispensaries, health centres, and hospitals.

In attendance was the Chairman of the Board of Management Amb. Jack Tumwa reiterated his commitment to initiating much-needed reforms geared towards the restoration of the lost glory of the facility in effectively serving members of the Church and community.

Others present during the function were acting CEO/Administrator Grace Khayota, Bungoma County CECM for health and sanitation Andrew Wamalwa, Webuye East MP Martin Wanyonyi, area Senator and Woman Representative David Wakoli and Catharine Wambilianga respectively

Lugulu Mission Hospital is a 24-hour level 4 institution running both outpatient and inpatient services.
