Home NEWS County News Nandi Senator defends proposal to increase presidential term

Nandi Senator defends proposal to increase presidential term


Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei has defended his proposal to increase the presidential term limit to seven years as opposed to five.

The senator claims the idea was his own and was not coerced to table the proposal before the national dialogue committee.

Re-introduction of the Office of the Prime Minister unlike in the past, under the current legislative framework, the link between the executive and legislature is the majority party leader.

Holding the government accountable in such legislative makeup can become futile due to the political circumstance such an attempt might find itself in.

The Prime Minister, like the practice in the UK’s Parliament, represents the government and is ever present in parliament and thus can be able to explain the government’s direction on any matter upon such request by members of parliament from across all political divides. (c) Increase of the Presidential term to seven (7) years: Whereas the current constitution provides for two term presidential term.
