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No relenting in war against illicit brews, DP assures Kenyans

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua

The Government will not relent in the ongoing nationwide fight on illicit liquor manufacturers, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua said on Saturday, as he asked the multi-agency security team to tighten the war on drugs and substance abuse.

He also said that the government will continue implementing policy reforms to facilitate sustainability of the agriculture sector.

The Deputy President spoke during a fundraiser at Abothuguchi Boys High School in Imenti Central Constituency, Meru County, as over ten Members of Parliament praised him over his leadership in agricultural reforms, the fight against illegal brews and addressing complaints by small-holder farmers and traders.

The 13 political leaders also commended the Deputy President for uniting Mt Kenya leaders irrespective of their political affiliation.

Mr Nebeart Muriuki, MP Mbeere South, said that “under the leadership of DP Gachagua we have seen Mt Kenya people uniting and for the first time we have no divisions of Mt Kenya East and West since he reaches out to all leaders”.

“We are grateful and behind the Deputy President as he executes the mandates assigned to him by President William Ruto such as leasing reforms in the coffee, dairy, tea and horticulture sub-sectors. His efforts will boost the rural economy. DP Gachagua is a performer and will also succeed in the fight against illicit brews,” said Nandi Woman Representative Cynthia Muge.

The leaders said they have confidence in the Deputy President and that they will work with him in ensuring the government achieves it’s plan on the economic transformation agenda of the country.

“Because of the reforms being driven by the Deputy President, dairy farmers supplying their milk to the New KCC now have a minimum guaranteed return of Sh50 for every litre of milk supplied. The coffee farmers cherry fund has been increased to Sh6 billion and tea farmers received highest pay last year. He is now addressing avocado and macadamia sectors and he will also succeed,” said Dr John Mutunga, Tigania West MP.

The MPs also praised the DP for being available and accessible to all leaders and the people at the grassroots.

Asking their colleagues in the opposition to also commend the government for the strides made the Ruto administration such as lowering cost of living, the MPs called on the Opposition leaders to engage in constructive criticism.

“We appreciate the Deputy President for his support and commitment in the public service. The government is performing. We have seen the economy and forex exchange stabilizing and the cost living going down. Do not listen to the propaganda and noises by the opposition leaders, who have refused to see anything positive in the government,” said Mwala MP Vincent Kawaya.

His counterpart Robert Pukose from Endebes said: “in Rift Valley we are fully behind the Deputy President. He stood firm and defended President Ruto ahead of the 2022 elections when he (Ruto) was facing persecution and humiliation during from the previous regime”.

In his remarks, the Deputy President said the government will continue enforcing the stringent measures announced recently by Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof Kithure Kindiki to ensure that illicit brews get off the market.

He said those selling legit liquor will not be affected, emphasizing that the target is traders who have been selling poisonous alcohol.

“President, CS Kindiki and I have resolved that we can’t allow the lives of our youths to be destroyed by illicit brews. We have deployed stringent measures to save the generation. Those selling legit alcoholic drinks will not be affected,” said the Deputy President.

On coffee sub-sector reforms, he said the government has defeated cartels and brokers who were profiteering from the farmers’ sweat.

He said the reforms were yielding returns, enumerating several measures taken by the Kenya Kwanza administration to transform the agricultural sector and cushioning farmers from loses.

Since the reforms started, he said, farmers’ income from the crop had increased.

The Deputy President told the locals that the Mariene-Githongo market road will be constructed and that a sim of Sh77 million has been set aside for rural electrification project in Imenti Central constituency.

The DP was accompanied by Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu and MPs Moses Kirima Nguchine (Imenti Central), Meru Woman Rep Elizabeth Kairemia, Eng. Nebart Muriuki (Mbeere South), Dr John Mutunga (Tigania West), Mugambi Rindikiri (Buuri), Patrick Munene (Chuka Igamba-Ng’ombe), Julius Taitumu (Igembe North), Kareke Mbiuki (Maara), Vincent Kawaya (Mwala), Robert Pukose (Endebes).

CS Machogu said the new funding model rolled out recently is ensuring that students from poor background have access to the government funding of their university education.

Woman Representatives Amina Dika (Tana River) and Cynthia Muge (Nandi), Nominated MP Dorothy Ikiara, MCAs led by Meru County Assembly Speaker Ayub Bundi and former Head of Public Service Ambassador Francis Muthaura were also present.

They also lauded the government for streamlining the Curriculum Based Education (CBC) system and rolling out the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy.
