Home NEWS County News Nyandarua: Kagongo-Wendani value addition center commissioned

Nyandarua: Kagongo-Wendani value addition center commissioned


Nyandarua Governor Moses Badilisha and Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture Mithika Linturi Wednesday commissioned the Kagongo-Wendani value addition center in Weru ward, Oljoroorok sub-county.

The center equipped for aggregation, sorting, grading and packing of agriculture produce is part of the Small Scale Irrigation and Value Addition Project (SIVAP) a joint project by the National and County Governments, and the Africa Development Bank.

In his address, Governor Badilisha thanked the partners involved in the project which also involved desilting of Ex-Jacob dam, drilling of a community borehole, and another one to serve the aggregation center, and reticulation in over 350 ha of agricultural land for irrigation purposes.

The project, at a cost of Ksh 200 million is expected to benefit over 1500 households and aims at improving food and nutrition security, and mitigate against effects of climate change especially among the smallholder households.

On his part CS Linturi noted that his Ministry has been implementing the Small Scale Irrigation and Value Addition Project (SIVAP) as part of its efforts to enhance agricultural performance in 11 Counties namely; Nyandarua, Tharaka Nithi, Makueni, Kitui, Machakos, Tana River, Muranga, Nyeri, Bomet, Kajiado and Meru.
