Home NEWS County News One pupil dead, 20 hospitalized after developing pains in Kinangop

One pupil dead, 20 hospitalized after developing pains in Kinangop


A pupil at St. Mary Primary school in Magumu Location, Kinangop Constituency in Nyandarua County, has been confirmed dead after he complained of headache, chest and stomach pains.

The deceased, a class eight pupil together with another, on Wednesday sort permission to go to hospital under care of their parents, on Thursday.

The number of pupils with the same signs increased to seven and on Friday morning the number rose to 15 raising eye brows to the school management.

On Saturday morning, the student developed breathing difficulties, and was rushed to Engineer Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

According to his grandfather who rushed him to hospital said despite breathing difficulties, he was still complaining of having chest pains, headache and stomach ache even after he sort treatment on Wednesday.

Confirming the incident, Nyandarua County Health Director Dr. Martha Mwathi said so far there are 23 reported cases mainly from class 7 and 8 pupils.

Dr. Mwathi said the pupils are now placed at Nyayo ward in Engineer Hospital where she is leading a team of doctors in taking samples awaiting results on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Health officers have been dispatched to the home of the pupil who passed away in order to get his health history.
