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Pastor Dorcas encourages young innovators

The spouse of the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi

Young people from the university and high schools showcased their brilliant innovative ideas during an event attended by Pastor Dorcas Rigathi

On Tuesday she visited the exhibition stands of young innovators at idealization stage of their different projects on the first day of the Career Innovation Week at the Cooperative University of Kenya.

Ruth Kwara, a second year Computer Science student, explained how the Vena Visio Portable Vein Finder would transform medical procedures, making the process of injection less painful and faster.

“For the old patients, babies and those in a coma, who cannot clench their fists, have weak or deep seated veins, the medical practitioner will be able to easily see the veins with the oxygenated blood using the glasses and there will be no need of guessing and injecting a patient repeatedly looking for a vein,” said Ms Kwara.

She hoped that her innovation would get funding and support and become a reality for the world.

Emmanuel Kelly, Business Management Student, also showcased his idea of developing more durable road signs made from recycled plastics that are imposed on the road surface for increased road safety. He said the road signs would withstand the harsh weather and traffic friction longer than the normal paints used on the roads.

Among the exhibitors also included students from the Oloolaiser High School. The Cooperative University during the Career Innovation Week opens her doors to young learners from high schools to encourage innovation early in life.

Oloolaiser presented two prototypes that would transform the world of shopping and also waste management. Darrin Kasili (Form 3) and Amani Mutuku (Form 4) showcased a computerized supermarket trolley that would enable a customer scan their own shopping, make a payment and receive a receipt on their phone. The innovation would reduce the queues in supermarkets and save on time.

Their computer science teacher, Titus Maina said the students pitched the idea to him in December 2023 and had been working on it under his guidance in coding. “This innovation is revolutionary, and shall be a game changer in supermarkets,” he said.

The students also had the Smart Waste Bins installed with ultrasonic sensors that alert the relevant waste collection authority when the bins were 50 per cent, and 100 per cent full enhancing timely garbage collection.

Stephen Nyabira, Patron of the Science and Engineering Club at Oloolaiser High School said because of the innovation of the students, the school scooped position one during the Rift Valley Regional Science and Engineering fair.

“The 80 students in the club are very innovative and they had six presentations that made the school the best. They included the solar tracker that follows the direction of the sun, an automated air conditioner, mathematical sciences project enables drawing any angle, shoe polish made from avocado, the smart bins, and the computerized supermarket trolley,” said Mr Nyabira.

The Chairman of the University Council Dr Jeremy Bundi said the innovation week was an opportunity to empower learners to go out there and empower the community of nations. The Vice Chancellor, Prof Kamau Ngamau added that the week would infuse innovation into academics and career development from a young age.

Pastor Dorcas encouraged the students to continue acquiring knowledge and become creative, which would result to self-employment, prosperity of the nation, leading a quality life, and personal career and growth.

“Make learning and innovation your lifestyle. Creativity will improve the quality of your life. And continuous learning will be of tremendous significance in your life. I commend the University for opening its doors and inviting high school students to open up their minds during the Career and Innovation Week,” said Pastor Dorcas.

She also advocated against alcohol, drug, and substance abuse among students, advising them to instead keep the right company and make the right decisions that would result to a productive life of excellence.

Other projects showcased included online booking systems, and integration of artificial intelligence.
