Home NEWS County News Pastor Dorcas takes drugs campaign to schools to avoid early recruitment  

Pastor Dorcas takes drugs campaign to schools to avoid early recruitment  

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi greets students of Kangaru School, Embu, where she took the boy child preventive program against alcohol, drugs, and substance abuse

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi continued her campaign against alcohol and drugs in schools at Kangaru School in Embu town. 

With more than 10,000 secondary schools in the country, Pastor Dorcas believes the learning institutions are a strategic location to advocate against drugs before the teens are recruited into the destructive behaviours.

She held a meeting with more than 1,600 students, including form one students who had been freshly admitted to the school. The meeting began with a talk by a Nacada official about the dangers of alcohol, drugs and substances, highlighted the dangers of drug abuse in the short and long-term.

Different leaders joined Pastor Dorcas in this noble initiative of reaching out to the boy child in schools.

Deputy Governor Justus Mugo warned the students that recruitment into drugs was intense in the institutions of higher learning, and it was paramount to prepare the teens to say no to drugs while in secondary school.

“Let us prepare our children, and inform them, so they can face life with confidence, determination and focus. Such forums will inform you about the dangers of drugs, and you can say no and focus on your life. Be consistent and work towards your vision of becoming a pilot, doctor or a leader,” DG Mugo told the students.

Embu County MP Pamela Njoki said, “Focus on education, be passionate on your learning and say no to drugs which will take you to the pit. Drugs and education cannot walk together.”

MP Manyatta John Mukunji encouraged the students that their future was bright noting the calibre of people who had studied in the school. Attorney General and Former Speaker Justin Muturi, and Former Cabinet Minister Adan Mohammed and renown Kamba Musician Ken wa Maria were students there.

Speaker Embu Assembly encouraged the children to work hard because it ultimately pays life. “I am pleased with the cause you have taken, in saving the boy child. I also have a similar initiative that works towards mentoring the boy child in this county.”

Other schools Pastor Dorcas has visited include Dagoretti High, and Mutuini Secondary (Nairobi), Tudor Boys Secondary (Mombasa), Narok Boys High School, Kagumo High, and Alliance High and Girls Schools (Kiambu) among others.
