Home Business President Ruto outlines bold steps to revitalize key sectors

President Ruto outlines bold steps to revitalize key sectors


President William Ruto says his administration has developed an elaborate plan to revive ailing agricultural sectors in the country.

Speaking at the start of his four-day tour of Nyanza region, the president said the government remains committed to deal decisively with those intent on fleecing farmers singing out the sugar sub-sector which he said has been plagued by corruption.

“For the cartels in the sugar industry, you go to jail, relocate from Kenya, or go to heaven.” Said the president amid affirmation from the large crowd that had gathered.

Among the strategic moves to save the ailing sector form barons according to Ruto include the writing off debts owed by sugar factories totaling 117 billion shillings.

“To rescue these sugar firms, we have had to write off the debts as the government of Kenya.” Said the president.

While addressing the challenges in the tea and coffee sectors, President Ruto urged farmers to be patient assuring them that government’s efforts would yield positive results.

He drew a parallel between the improvements seen in the tea industry and the ongoing efforts to transform the coffee sector, pointing out the need for patience in the face of complex challenges.

