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Reception held in Nairobi to commemorate Chinese PLA 97th anniversary

Ambassador Zhou Pinjian said China will always give prominence to peace and development efforts in Africa.


Chinese Ambassador to Kenya Dr. Zhou Pinjian hosted a reception to celebrate the 97th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Liberation Army.

Since its establishment, Zhou noted that the Chinese military played a central role in delivering the nation’s independence, liberation for the people, and prosperity for the country and that it has contributed greatly to maintaining world peace while promoting the progress of mankind.

“President Xi noted that China will always, as ever before, be a promoter of world peace, a contributor to global development, and upholder of the international order, and hence the Chinese army will always be a staunch force in keeping world peace,” the ambassador remarked

Strong as the Chinese army currently stands, Beijing’s top diplomat in Nairobi reiterated that China will maintain respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-aggression, non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs, and peaceful coexistence.

“Throughout the 70 years and more, China has not provoked a conflict or war or occupied a single inch of foreign land. China is the only major country that has written peaceful development and the Five Principles into the Constitution of the country and the Constitution of the governing party, thus making peaceful development a commitment of the nation,” he stated

“China is working to build a great modern socialist country in all respects and achieve national rejuvenation through the Chinese path to modernization. On this new journey, we will continue to champion the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, work with all countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind, and make new and greater contributions to safeguarding world peace and promoting common development,” added the ambassador

Zhou noted that China will always give prominence to peace and development efforts in Africa. He highlighted ongoing efforts, spearheaded by China, to restore and ensure lasting peace in the Horn of Africa.

“China stands ready to work with Horn of Africa countries including Kenya to strive for in-depth implementation of the Outlook on Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa, focus on the three main goals of security, development, and governance, jointly promote peace, cooperation, and common development, and help turn the Horn of Africa into a region of peace, cooperation, development, and prosperity,” he said

His sentiments resonated well with those of Lieutenant General John Omenda, the Vice Chief of Kenya Defence Forces, who was among the chief guests at the event held at the Chinese embassy.

“Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Military, the PLA is developing into a world-class military. The socialist system of China, the strategic decision to follow the path of peaceful development, the independent foreign policy of peace, and the best of cultural traditions – considering peace and harmony as fundamentals – determine that China will pursue a national defense policy that is defensive in nature,” remarked the Lt General

He said never seeking hegemony, expansion, or spheres of influence, is the distinctive feature of China’s national defense.

According to Lieutenant General Openda, the Chinese military has always been a champion and contributor to world peace citing the country’s second-biggest financial contribution to the United Nations peacekeeping budget and the largest troop contribution among Permanent Members of the UN Security Council.

“China has altogether dispatched over 50,000 troops to 25 peacekeeping operations, and sent over 150 vessels in escort missions for more than 7,200 Chinese and foreign ships. 17 Chinese peacekeepers have laid down their lives while on duty in other countries,” he said

Openda said the Military-to-military relationship is an important pillar of the overall China-Kenya relations. In recent years, he noted that the two countries have made significant progress in “high-level visits, professional exchanges, personnel training, and military aids” that will contribute to enhancing mutual understanding and trust, friendship, and cooperation of the two armed forces.


At the same time, the Chinese Ambassador explained that China, under President Xi Jinping will continue to explore avenues through which African countries can benefit from cooperation with the world’s second-largest economy.

One of the platforms that is key in this agenda, according to the ambassador is Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) whose ninth edition is set to be held in Beijing in September.

“Chinese and African leaders will gather in Beijing again after six years. We look forward to joining hands with African countries to hold a successful FOCAC and make new contributions to advancing modernization and building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future,” he said
