Home Business Special Economic Zones Authority hosts investors for inaugural site visit

Special Economic Zones Authority hosts investors for inaugural site visit


The Special Economic Zones Authority (SEZ) Monday hosted a delegation of investors for the inaugural comprehensive Naivasha SEZ site visit.

The Authority presented a detailed overview of the SEZ land and an array of investment opportunities available within the Zone.

According to a statement by SEZ Authority, the tour encompassed a visit to the power station, emphasizing the significant cost advantages of establishing a business within the zone due to reduced power tariffs.

The government early this year offered a lower electricity tariff of 5 shillings kilowatt expected to attract investment at the Special Economic Zone in Naivasha.

Additionally, the Authority says the investors visited the Inland Container Depot (ICD) and the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) where they held an interactive session with Kenya Railways Authority, Kenya Ports Authority, and Kenya Revenue Authority.

“We showcased the excellent logistical infrastructure by visiting the Inland Container Depot (ICD) and the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) whereby, an interactive session with Kenya Railways Authority, Kenya Ports Authority, and Kenya Revenue Authority was held for investors to gain insights on the seamless cargo operations at the ICD.” The Authority said.

Speaking during the site visit, Kenya Railways Corporation Acting Regional Operations Officer, Thomas Yongo assured investors that the corporation will serve them to the last mile, promising to extend the railway tracks to the investors premises.

“With the developments going on at this site, we plan to link the railway with the SEZ so that whatever is arriving, instead of being off loaded can go straight to the premises intended“, said Yongo.

The visit culminated at the already operational Jumbo AAA SEZ, a good example of the diverse range of businesses that can flourish in the Naivasha SEZ.

Naivasha SEZ is located on 1000 acres of land in Mai Mahiu in Nakuru County along the Nairobi – Naivasha Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) line.

The SEZ is expected to offer state of the art trans-shipment facilities to allow the seamless interchange between SGR and Meter Gauge Railways (MGR) to handle the cargo destined for EAC and Central African Countries.

The SEZ comprises of an Internal container deport and a logistics zone, Railway marshalling area and Industrial Parks.

