Home NEWS County News SRC raises concern over duplication of roles by government entities

SRC raises concern over duplication of roles by government entities

Salaries and Remuneration Commission Chairperson Lynn Mengich

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission has raised concern about the duplication of roles by different government entities and organizations saying it has contributed to the high wage bill. 

Speaking in a forum in  Nairobi, SRC Chairperson Lynn Mengich said there is a need for thorough scrutiny particularly on entities performing the same role so as not to strain the exchequer.  

She revealed that Kenya is not doing well in managing its wage bill.

This is after the statistics on labor productivity from the International Labour Organization 2021 ranked Kenya number 151 out of  185 countries globally and number 22 out of 46 countries in Africa. 

The forum was conducted ahead of the 3rd wage bill conference themed on fiscal sustainability of the public wage bill through productivity that will take place from 15th to 17th  April at the Bomas of Kenya.
