Home NEWS Local News TIFA: 49pc of Kenyans feel country is headed in right direction

TIFA: 49pc of Kenyans feel country is headed in right direction

Kenyans enjoy performances at Embu stadium

One year into the Kenya Kwanza administration, nearly half of Kenyans, 49pc, feel that the country is heading in the right direction, the latest report by TIFA Research has revealed.

According to report released on Wednesday, this is an increase of 31pc since June when a similar poll was conducted.

The report indicated that the views expressed by Kenyans differ sharply across the political divide, with almost as many Opposition supporters at 61pc feeling that the country’s direction is wrong as to Kenya Kwanza supporters at 73pc believe the country is headed in the right direction.

“The proportions of those perceiving the country’s direction as “right” vs. “wrong” have been reversed since March, when a plurality held to the latter view 48pc vs 37pc. As of June, gap between “wrong” and “right” was even greater 56pc vs. 25pc = 31%,” the TIFA report said.

The survey was conducted a survey last week using CATI (Computer-Assisted-Telephonic-Interviews) with 1,007 respondents.

The questions covered focused on Kenyans’ current economic conditions as well as their awareness of Kenya Kwanza’s main campaign promises, including their views as to the extent of the implementation of these promises so far and their expectations about the implementation by the time of the next election in 2027.

