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Toe the line or ship out, Raila tells ODM leaders


ODM Leader Raila Odinga has told leaders elected on the party ticket to either toe the line or resign and seek re-election.

Speaking in Migori town Friday, Mr. Odinga who is also the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition Party Leader said, it is bad manners for anyone to openly defy his/her party leadership or any position taken by the party in the guise of seeking development from another political party.

He said political parties are all in competition and there’s is no way one can claim to seek development favours from another party simply because it is government.

He said political parties can only grow in Kenya if those in power respected the ideologies, constitutions and rules of other parties.

He said Loyalty, Fidelity and Love for one another in the party are basic principles for the growth of political party institutions.

He said ODM will not tolerate or condone any member who defies positions and stands taken by the party on particular issues or policies just because one wants to seek favours from the government.

He said rebellious members of the party will be dealt with in accordance with the rules and constitution of the party.

Mr. Odinga was in Migori County for engagements in Suna East and Suna West Constituencies where he visited the new residence of MP for Suna West Mr. Peter Masara where he met religious leaders from various denominations in Migori.

He also addressed a leaders meeting at Maranatha Church grounds and later addressed a public rally at the Migori bus park.

Mr. Odinga was accompanied by the Governor of Migori Dr. Ochilo Ayacko, DAP-K Leader Mr. Eugene Wamalwa, Usawa kwa Wote party leader Mr. Mwangi wa Iria, Deputy Senate Minority Leader Mr. Enoch Wambua, former Governor of Laikipia Mr. Ndiritu Mureithi and legislators Edd Muok (Senator Migori), Tom Odege (Nyatike), Walter Owino (Awendo) and Fatuma Mohammed (Woman Rep. Migori).

