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TSC cautions parents against assaulting teachers

Dr Jamleck Muturi is the Chairperson of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC)

The Teachers Service Commission Chairman Dr Jamleck Muturi has warned that the commission will not condone the victimisation of teachers by parents taking the law into their own hands.

Dr Muturi who was in Embu asked Parents with grievances to address them through the Board of Management or other legal means.

“The teaching profession must be respected and anyone threatening teachers will face the full force of the law provided teachers act within the law,” Muturi said.

“We are going to protect our head teachers, deputy head teachers, principals and teachers so long as whatever they have done is within the law,” he charged

Muturi said it was very demeaning to see a head teacher being frog-marched in full glare of pupils.  “How do you expect the head teacher to manage those pupils later?” he posed

The TSC Chair further urged teachers to ensure they often update their records to ease the process of paying dues after retiring or exiting the service through natural causes like death.

Embu Senator Alexander Mundigi urged the TSC to ensure they fast-track all issues pertaining to payment of teachers adding that the amount paid to KNEC Invigilators was very little.

The KNUT Secretary Embu County Dickson Murunguma applauded TSC for the quick action at Isogongo School adding that the Union will also stand firm with their members He asked them to flee from environments that are not conducive and seek help at TSC whenever their safety is compromised.
