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Ukambani Governors resolve to speak in one voice to spur Social Economic growth

SEKEB will embark on developing the plan focusing on the key thematic areas affecting the three counties.


The three Ukambani governors have resolved to develop a strategic plan for the South Eastern Kenya Economic Bloc (SEKEB) in order to achieve the shared dream and desire to address the regional common challenges.

Speaking after their second summit meeting which was held in Kitui, the Governors, Dr. Julius Malombe (Kitui), Wavinya Ndeti (Machakos) and Mutula Kilonzo Jnr (Makueni) said the SEKEB will embark on developing the plan focusing on the key thematic areas that include strengthening the political bargain by speaking in one voice to promoting unity of purpose, infrastructure and industrialisation.

Other emphasis will be food Security, agriculture, trade partnerships, human resource – Youth, women and PWDS empowerment and ICT and innovation – completion of Konza Techno City, talent search and development, training, and skills development.

SEKEB will also ensure each county has a specialised units (Kitui to have a renal unit, Machakos to have a cancer centre and Makueni to have a trauma centre), rural electrification and green energy, development of tourism circuit within the bloc.
