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Waiguru seeks Ruto’s support for woman successor in 2032 as President showers women governors with praise


The Council of Governors (COG) Chairperson Anne Waiguru has sought President William Ruto’s support for a woman Presidential successor come 2032 elections.

Waiguru who is also Kirinyaga County Governor said that women of Kenya are fully behind Ruto’s 10-year consecutive regime but come the 2032 general elections, women will pull their weight behind a woman candidate.

The governor who was speaking during the launch Women Governors Caucus G7 Strategy at a Nairobi hotel said that women are ready to take up leadership in the highest levels possible and once President Ruto exits the stage, women will be the top contenders.

She said that gender equality and women’s empowerment is both a moral cause and an economic necessity. “Women’s active participation in public and political platforms builds resilient democracies, ensures political stability, promotes sustainable development, and will achieve the desired economic progress.” She said.

Her calls were supported by President Ruto who noted that for the six decades, Kenya has lost a significant part of population from contributing to and participating in national development which has had negative impact on the people and the country.

He noted that a truly inclusive economy would be as twice as productive if everyone was included to participate maximally if we are to deliver shared prosperity within our generation.

“Kenya has been making progress in many sectors for many decades but the rate of progress has always remained behind the levels of poverty and inequality, making sustainable development and inclusive growth an elusive target for many,” he said.

The Head of State said that it was time for women not only to participate as voters but as candidates and being elected as leaders.

He promised to take deliberate action to ensure that the two thirds constitutional thresholds in all spheres of leadership is achieved committing to alternate gender representation in gubernatorial elections where if a governor is a woman, the deputy governor is a man and vice versa.

“I ask us as a nation to recognize the participation of women. We all came from a womb of a mother however opinionated or prejudiced we could be and that should give us the courage and inspiration to support women in Kenya,” she said.

He praised women governors saying that they have given an account of what they have done in their counties, which goes a long way in inspiring other women leaders and making it easier for them be elected.

“In their shinning they encourage the country to vote for more women”, he said, adding that women governors have demonstrated great integrity and understanding of their duty. He promised his support noting that they are very reliable and have been his number one supporter.

Governor Waiguru said that the country made a marginal improvement in 2017 when three women were elected as governors with the number increasing to seven in 2022.

“Today the G7 reflects progress in women’s political leadership as CEOs of County Governments and this strategy is designed to accelerate equal and inclusive representation in decision-making and to model efficiency and accountability in governance,” she noted.

Waiguru said that the G7 caucus aimed at increasing the number of women Governors from the current seven to 16 in 2027 general elections through mentorship and encouraging more women and girls to aspire for political office and public leadership.

“G7 will have robust mentorship activities geared towards increasing the number of women in leadership. I invite you to collaborate with us to break down all barriers to women’s political participation, counter negative gender stereotypes, and chip away at social norms that block women from participating across a huge range of sectors,” said the COG chair.

Following the launch of the strategy, the Chair said the caucus will roll out the localization of the strategy while the women Governors will jointly establish G7 County Chapters in women led counties, then in counties with women deputy governors and ultimately the 47 counties.

She invited development partners, civil society, the media and the private sector to support the implementation of the initiative, noting that the caucus will next month be heading to New York where they will be seeking for funds.

She also reiterated her appeal to men governors who will be exiting in 2027 to hold the hand of a woman successor.

The launch was attended by the elected women governors and deputy governors, members of parliament and county assemblies, members of diplomatic missions among others.























