Home NEWS World leaders push for sustainable urban development

World leaders push for sustainable urban development

The theme of the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly is a sustainable urban future through inclusive and effective multilateralism: achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in times of global crises
The theme of the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly is a sustainable urban future through inclusive and effective multilateralism: achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in times of global crises

Report by Sally Namuye


Calls to find practical solutions aimed at realizing sustainable urbanization and human settlement in line with the 2030 development agenda dominated the opening of the second UN- Habitat Assembly in Nairobi.

Speaking while opening the second session of the assembly, President William Ruto said there was need to enhance the capacity of     UN-Habitat to support member states in advancing the agenda for Sustainable Urbanization and human settlement.

“I acknowledge, with profound gratitude, the progress UN-Habitat has made in refining and championing the deployment of effective multilateralism in addressing challenges of human settlement and promoting sustainable urbanization. I urge you to exploit this important opportunity to generate a robust framework for addressing the existential crisis of our time.“Observed the president.

He said urbanization is an economy’s ultimate test of efficiency, inclusivity, resilience and sustainability across all goods and services.

Addressing the assembly through a video link, UN Secretary General, Antonio Guteress said multilateral organizations must support cities focusing on climate and affordable housing and deliver the local initiative needed to make the Sustainable Development Goals a reality.

The President of the United Nations General Assembly Dennis Francis said governments need a mind shift in order to make their cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. He further said they must monitor the special distribution of huge populations to assess risk associated with climate change such as flooding, heat waves, epidemics and food security.

“The lagging in SDG is a universal problem; however developing countries bear the brunt of the crisis they face. I call upon solidarity, commitment and financing and action. I invite you to explore how we can ensure that our approach to sustainability transformation better reflects the role of cities in our world,” said Dennis.

UN Under Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs Li Junhua said all reviews suggest they are lagging behind despite all the promises to ensure sustainability. Almost 670million people live in poverty, while most young people are out of school and without employment and access to water and sanitation
